Thursday, July 24, 2008

Night Life

I love the night life, I got to boogie

If you know what song this comes from we are about the same age, and you know what I mean. I will explain to those younger and older. It means dressing up in cute dresses, sky high heels, big hair and sparkly makeup, and going out on the town. Even though my girlfriends and I all typified ourselves as "country rockers", we dressed flashy. I still miss the sparkly makeup, sigh. We'd spend hours primping and then go out to several bars talking, drinking, dancing, and scoping out men, not necessarily in that order. As I've stated in other posts, how I ever danced in those heels amaze me now, even though the "dancing" consisted of mostly hopping up and down. Still.

After I got older, I slowed down a bit. It just didn't interest me as much. I don't think I wasted my time; I had fun and wouldn't give up those years for anything. But, things change, and I shifted into different priorities. My younger self would shake her head in sorrow at how fast I can get ready now, and tsk tsk at my short locks and natural make up. I still love my clothes and such, don't get me wrong, but I do spend less time now getting ready and more time dancing.

I also quit drinking as much, not for any moral reason, but because as I got older it made me feel bad the next day, it was expensive, and again, I decided I'd rather be doing other things. After we learned to dance I discovered something else. Dancing does not go well with drinking. One glass of wine fine, two I start to miss cues, and three...forgetaboutit. After I thought about it I realized in no other sport would I start with a glass of wine, so for the most part I don't drink at all before or during a dance.

A nice glass of wine afterwards, well, that's a different story.

So back to the night life. Gary and I now are often out very late at night, as most dances don't start until 8 or 9. Funny. I started my young adult life staying out very late. After I got married "late" was maybe 9. Now that we are dancers we often stay out until the wee hours. Funny how life circles around, yet is different every time. Kinda like fashion. :-)

Please don't talk about love tonight.
Please don't talk about sweet love.
Please don't talk about being true
and all the trouble we've been through.
Ah, please don't talk about all of the plans
we had for fixin' this broken romance.
I want to go where the people dance.
I want some action ... I want to live!

Oh, I ... Ohhh I ... I love the nightlife,
I got to boogie .
Oh, I love the night life,I got to boogie

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