Monday, August 18, 2008

Being Human

Although I see nothing wrong with it, for the most part I believe scatological humor belongs in the bathroom. You know, in that basket people pile old Reader's Digests and catalogues. Now and then a good poo inspired joke will get me laughing, but I'm more of a bad pun person. Anyway. Gary has already written of the Unfortunate Event which occurred at the Roof last week. I have another take on it.

As Gary so eloquently wrote, the "cloud" we danced into was quite possibly the worst I have ever encountered. I tried not to grimace, but oh dear, smelly doesn't even come close. At the time I thought it interesting that amidst all the beauty there was such a steamy underside, so to speak. Later that evening Gary and I were in our jammies watching the Olympics with our kitty beside us. A picture perfect end to the night, although sometimes it's hard for me to watch.
I feel so bad for athletes when they make a mistake or don't do their best. Suddenly Gary asked me did I smell anything. No, I did not. A few minutes later he asked again. I leaned towards him and...whew!! Our sweet kitty had, er, scent marked Gary. I thought again how interesting that such a lovely cat could produce such an odoriferous scent. You could say our evening was bookended by unfortunate smells.

All of that got me thinking. No matter how ethereal dancing is, it is danced by humans. We can be elegant, but we can also be decidedly not elegant, often in ways beyond our control such as that poor man out on the dance floor. It is a reminder to me that dancing should be at its heart fun; because that is truly the only thing you can have control over. Mistakes happen. Accidents happen. People fall off the beam, miscommunicate or misinterpret a dance step, and yes, burp, fart, and have green stuff in their teeth. You never know when events like that will happen and you can't prevent them. But fun is eternal and a state of mind. And you have ultimate control over your state of mine.

I hope I can say that the next time I fall on my butt. :-)

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