Saturday, April 17, 2010

Goin’ to the Prom

Ah, the Prom…one of life’s coming of age moments, at least in the Western world. Say “prom” outside our borders and I’m not sure many would get it, let alone understand the trials and tribulations associated with the event here in the USA.

The term “prom” comes from the word “promenade,” meaning a march of guests into a ballroom to announce the beginning of the dance. The first proms could be seen as middle class replications of the high society debutante balls. Proms were created around the 1930s as less elaborate affairs where average teens could meet in their finest duds to eat dinner and dance, practicing the social etiquette needed to launch them into marriage and life in the ‘burbs. The Prom is still a chance to get gussied up, but I don’t believe today’s young people would see it as a rehearsal for adult life. But…it’s still a big deal.

I never went to my high school prom…or any other major dance for that matter. Back then I thought it was because I was ugly. Now looking back, I think rather it was because I was 1) rather different, and 2) stared at my feet. I’m sure from a young man’s perspective I appeared standoffish and weird.

Not going to the prom when you are 17 or 18 is awful then, and a non issue now. I can’t remember my classmates, let along the prom’s theme. And now that I enjoy dancing at all sorts of lovely venues the idea of a missed prom seems so yesterday. But yet, there’s always been a bit of wistfulness. It is something you can never go back to…what’s gone is gone.

Or is it?

Last night Gary and I attended the Senior Prom at the Indianapolis Roof. By “senior’ I mean the Indianapolis Senior Center sponsored this event. My parents, members of the club, invited Gary and me to come along.

The crowd was mixed; young, old, and in between. The band was good (Tony Barron Orchestra), the food excellent. As always, it was so sweet to see my parents twirling around the dance floor. I danced a foxtrot with my dad. At seventeen, I would never have done this. Here we are:

Also at seventeen I couldn’t have dreamed I would someday meet a man like my Gary. And to be truthful, just like dancing with my dad would have been decidedly un-cool back then, my high school self wasn’t near ready for the kind of man Gary is.

Adult proms are special. It was so romantic to be at the Prom with the date of my dreams. How many girls can say that? Sigh.

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