Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm a Little Bit Country

I love all dance styles. I really do, even the kinds that go backwards like the Foxtrot. Those are not my favorite, but I still enjoy them. I also love all kinds of music, classical, Latin, swing, and dare I admit it, country.

I think part of my country twang as it were originates from when I was in my party bar hoppin' years. At that time there were two paths: disco and country-rock. The disco crowd was, interestingly enough, the dance crowd. But they were also a lot of other things which I will not go into, but it you lived through those years you know what I mean.

The country rock genre and culture were no saints either, but there was (to my way of thinking), a genuine, real, honestness about that crowd. And in my defense, the country we listened to was truly country ROCK...Pure Prairie League, Waylon and Willie, Marshal Tucker, Charlie Daniels. OK, so Waylon and Willie are true country, but hey, they were cool. And still are.


I also love rockabilly, which to my way of thinking is kick ass country, twang on speed. Love, love, LOVE the music, love the culture. If big band swing is cute 40's inspired dress, rockabilly is bad girl (and boy) 50s...guys in James Deanesque garb, women in Betty Page pin up...tight capris and skirts with midriff tops, woohoo. You simply cannot sit still when rockabilly fills the air, and that was the case last night at Mike's Dance Barn in Nashville, In. with the sounds of Terry Lee and his Rockaboogie Band setting the keyboard and the night ON FIRE.

What a band. I am not a critical person, but I do have an appreciation for talent and unfortunately (or fortunately depending) I have perfect pitch. Nothing I developed or am particularly proud of, but I have it. My dad used to trot me out in front of his musical friends, play a note, and say hey Kelly what's that? And I always knew. So. I know when a band is in the groove, and Terry Lee is in the groove. One of the best bands I have ever my life. Wow. The tunes were hot, he even wrote some of them.

Needless to say, my man and I danced, danced, danced. That was the most fun I've had EVER had out dancing. Too bad Nashville is so far from Indy, but nevertheless, every time Terry Lee is there we are going. What a fun evening. Everyone was enjoying themselves...lots of people dancing, some knew steps, some shakin' and grovin', some listening and clapping, didn't matter. The spell had been cast, no matter the expression.

And somewhere out there Jerry Lee Lewis gave a big nod of approval, I know it.

Rock on.

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