Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve!

Here it is, Christmas Eve. I remember how my family would gather on this day. I huge collection of cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents jammed into a tiny house. We ate, talked, ate, played games, ate, and finally exchanged gifts. After the buzz died down and the wrapping paper had been cleared away the evening would get quiet. An air of expectation would settle in, listening for sleigh bells, and the gathering would break up. I can remember taking one last look at the Christmas tree before going to bed and imagining what might be under it in the morning. It was a kids Christmas, before the cares of the world supplanted worries over whether the right action figure would be under the tree in the morning.

Things got more complicated as the years passed. Relationships with the family grew more complicated, there were bosses and jobs to worry about, the politics and cares of the world, and the simple joys of childhood got a little lost. Still, in spite of it all, the holiday wonder survived. Still, this night, I’ll stop for a moment and that warm feeling will come back.

Here's to those who can't or won't be sharing their holiday with their friends and families. To paraphrase Bing's words, may next Christmas see you all home, with the ones you love, sharing a cup of yuletide cheer. Merry Christmas to all of you, may you be blessed and may your truest Christmas wishes be fulfilled.

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